Body Language Training can save your life….seriously. Striker Pierce now offers Corporate Body Language Training for businesses, enthusiasts, individuals, and law enforcement.  Why is this important?  Well…read on!


In recent interviews with witnesses of a DC shooting, most witnesses I talked to indicated their awareness of body language as the sage that warned them…and they didn’t even realize it.

Recently in DC, police had become aware that there may be a gang war about to take place near a national monument.  Though the police thwarted the fight by kicking gang members out of the public area, shooting soon erupted on a busy throughway nearby, injuring one man.  Witnesses all related what they saw, and if you really pay attention, they were actually ready body language, even from passing cars.

“I saw this guy hunch forward and start moving fast towards another guy…it looked wrong!”  “This one dude looked like he was working out a kink in his neck then started threatening another guy.”  “These groups were all hunched together and looking over there shoulders…looked bad, I got outta there!”

All of these comments indicate that passerbys were unconsciously reading body language which signaled danger to them…and they reacted!
The first witness comment:  “I saw this guy hunch forward and start moving fast towards another guy…it looked wrong!”  He was actually detecting an unconscious predator stance…essentially when people intend aggressive behavior they put themselves in a position to spring forth, as is evidenced by the “hunch forward.”  Just picture a cheetah, and then picture a giraffe….which has the predator stance?

The second witness comment: “This one dude looked like he was working out a kink in his neck then started threatening another guy.”  The three most common gestures all human beings have is rubbing their noses, pursing their lips, and rubbing the back of their necks in times of stress.  When the young man rubbed his neck prior to committing a violent act, he was reacting to the pre-action stress that was building.
And the third witness comment:  “These groups were all hunched together and looking over there shoulders…looked bad, I got outta there!” Its just like the 2nd signal, accept it was witnessed as a group.

So how did the witnesses know these were pre-violence indicators?  Its ingrained.  Our brains have carried with them actual instincts passed on generation to generation to subconsciously recognize danger signals.   Sound crazy?  Not really.  Think of when your wife or husband is mad about something and not saying it?  You just know by the way they carry themselves.  How about if you have ever been fired?  Most people know hours before by the way people carry themselves around them.  Your mind picks up on these non-verbal cues as a learned behavior.
The point of this post?  Listen to your instincts.  Your brain is sending you signals every day…a nervous feeling, a sudden pulse quickening…listen to these warnings.

And we teach Body Language at our Body Language Training workshops offered monthly!  Striker Pierce can teach you not only how to detect certain types of body language, but also how to use your own body language to assist in business transactions, interviewing, and even social situations.  Its not magic…its just instincts that we have all forgot that have been passed down since the beginning.  Who is this for:  Lawyers, individuals trying to learn more about social ques, recruiters, law enforcement, sales personnel, investigators, and anyone else who wishes to have more control in any situation.  Whether for jury selection, dating, recruiting, interviewing, or sales…these techniques can save your business, and quite possibly your life.

Update:  CEO of Striker Pierce Brian O’Shea will be teaching activists and international journalists these techniques at the upcoming Oslo Freedom Forum in Norway on October 22, 2014.  Visit for more information.

Wanna know more?  Sign up for our evening classes or call us for a training seminar at your office or next meeting! or email us at


-Brian O’Shea, CEO, Striker Pierce, LLC